My camera is now fixed, so I have been able to load a few pictures onto the latest post.
One thing I forgot to mention was that on Saturday 30 October, a few of us were going to a Hallowe'en party. I hadn't managed to get myself a costume, but to be honest when I turned up I thought it was probably better to have no costume than a poor one. The whole place was full of goths and punks and people really going for it with Hallowe'en style outfits. The club was awesome, and seeing goths dancing around to electronic and industrial music was exactly how you would imagine it to be in some sort of vampire movie. Suha had been looking forward to this party for ages, and I was starting to see why. However, I had half a beer and it wasn't going down too well. I said to Veronica that I was feeling tired, and rightly so she wasn't impressed. I was also a bit frustrated by this, but suddenly it seemed apparent that this tiredness wasn't normal. I mentioned to Suha that I felt so tired that I was on the verging of fainting, and sure enough, a couple of minutes later, everything started going a kind of black and purple haze (that wasn't just the goths, and Jimi Hendrix wasn't playing at the time), then the voices and music turned into a big mixture of fuzz and before I knew it I had collapsed. Next thing I remember was ice being put over my head and slowly waking up. It must have been the heat in the club, because ten minutes later I was well enough to get up and walk around, but it still seemed like a good idea to head back (well, Suha took me back) to the hostel. Quite embarrassing really, don't think I've ever fainted before, must be getting old... Also felt bad for Suha, as the party she had been looking forward to for weeks had lasted all of 1 drink and 30 minutes before some unacclimatised foreigner decided to nearly die in her company. Sorry about that...
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